Monday, December 7, 2009


The movie 2012 was an okay movie. I think that the visual effects were a little weak, and the plot was a little far fetched. And I am kinda glad the movie was far fetch with the fact, that so many people are raving about the world ending, and with the movie not being as realistic. I know it is not going to make me think of any the advents in the movie itself, because there not realistic at all. Overall i would not recommend anyone to watch the movie, if you do, its not the worst movie in the world. Just not something I would tell people to go and rush to see.


Who ever knew I would be sitting here and blogging about my current frustration with my family. I sometimes cannot stand being in my house with my sister. People tell me to enjoy it now, having a younger sister and blah blah blah. Well that's a joke, all I do for that girl is favors and then as soon as i express a frustration with the girl, she flips. Then I am the one to be ridiculed at the end of the night, how I am the mean one and I should apologize. I am sick of always being at fault for everything, and my family blaming it all on me. Overall I love my family and could not live without them, but at times I could really deal without all the other crap.

First snow of the year

So the ever so great snow has come to say hello, December 4Th 2009. As much as I enjoy sitting inside watching the snow fall down, I absolutely hate going out in the windy, freezing temperatures. I have no patience for the other weather effects that come with a snow storm. I think that it is merely a sign to moving down south and fixing the problem of dealing with cold and unbearable weather. Overall, I can enjoy a little bit of snow here and there, but I am hoping that not we will not get horrible snow storms, and a lot of them.


I absolutely hate taking finals, or any big tests for that matter. It is already stressful enough to try and obtain a good grade, let alone taking a huge test and knowing that so much of your grade relies on the way u do on the final. I enjoy when my teachers are willing to say just to do a big project and count that as a final, or even an essay. I think that throughout an entire semester with tests, quizzes, and other activities whatever our grade is then should show what we did or did not learn through out the course. Overall, I am not a fan of taking huge tests, or finals to prove what I have learned.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Grandparents (my heroes)

Everyone has grandparents, whether they are alive and living on earth with them anymore or not. I know that I cherish my grandparents and every second I am blessed to have them with me. My grandparents are always there for my family and we are always there for them. I dont know what it is about my grandparents that make me want to be a better and more dynamic person, but I know that I need to cherish all the times I spend with them whether it be a holiday, picnic, or just a simple visit. My grandfather is my hero because of his heroics in the WWII. Him telling us stories of the unfortunate things he saw, and why he fought. I just treasure his stories and admire him for all he has done. Not just for his family but for our country. My grandmother is admired because she raised three children all by herself and she did a wonderful job and kept her head on strong. I admire absolutely anyone who can raise children on their own and still keep their sincerity on top of it. Overall I admire and cherish my grandparents more than anyone else in this world.


This Thanksgiving did not feel like it slowly came about. It almost felt as if it came abruptly and really felt as if it came earlier than previous years. Obviously this is just a form of my own opinion and may have not felt the same way to others. But for me personally I felt as if Thanksgiving came early. It was a great time, with family and maybe I would have enjoyed better weather. But overall Thanksgiving is a time with your family and friends and I cherished my Thanksgiving this year just as much as every other year.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Although technology has proven to benefit our society, I feel as if in years to come its only going to hinder our society. Technology is taking jobs away from people, who in this economic time need those jobs. Computers are never 100% fail proof either, like most people like to think or would want. It is going to eventually over ride the socialization factor between people; its necessary for people to learn to socialize. I fear that our kids, kids will hinder from technology more so than benefit. Maybe even the next generation like our own kids, will hinder from it even, but I think its all in a matter of time until we as a society realize that technology is slowly hindering us.

Thankyou for Smoking

I think the movie we watched in class "Thank you for Smoking" was a very interesting and almost compelling movie. Nick Naylor could argue absolutely any point when it came to tobacco, no matter how impossible it may have seemed to argue he knew how to flip it around on them. It was shown how any point is really possible to be argued as long as you know the research behind it, so there are no loop holes. If you have the passion and really stand for something, then the research and passion can almost never let you down. I think the video was perfect and showing how an argument can be much more complex, and definitely will help with the classical argument papers we have to write.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I love everything about Virginia, the mountains, weather, the openness. Everyone seems so much more down to earth, and easy going. If there is one goal in my life, it is to live in Virginia. I would love to transfer out of HACC eventually and go to a college in Virginia and get a start in the state that I want to reside in. Obviously in anywhere u live, there will be negatives and positives but I think my positives will over ride any negative I am faced with.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dark nights, bright mornings

With the nights becoming darker at night, I have seen a difference in my attitude. My attitude towards the day and how much I genuinely cannot stand having a shorter day, I enjoyed having my longer hours in my day time to get more things done. Not that I cannot accomplish the same amount or more, than before but it makes me feel like I can't. As soon as it begins to get dark out, I just want to go to bed and call it a night! Which is obviously not going to help me get any work done. On the other hand, waking up early in the morning for work I do enjoy having the sun greet me on my way to work. Have a good start to my morning, being able to see the beautiful sun rise. So I guess there are both negatives and positives in the overall negative aspects that I hate about the nights being shorter.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Interesting People

A young girl I baby sit once a week, has a birthday coming up in a few days. And her mother was explaining what festivities she had planned for her princess party. She started saying how a real princess was going to be coming to the party. Initially thinking that someone was going to get a princess costume and have a little fun with the girls. But she started telling me how "Princess Sparkle" was at one point "Ms. Pennsylvania." So right off the bat, you know she is gorgeous and could probably use her accomplishment as a reference to probably anywhere. But she finds her passion and enjoyment in dressing up for hours and playing with little girls and being a princess. I thought it was very interesting and maybe even a fun job?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Friends.. who has any true friends these days?

I guess because I am so heated from a ex- best friend; I felt it was a perfect oppurtunity to just vent and write about it. It will probably sound so pathetic for anyone else who may read this, but its what I had to deal with for three years, and I am so happy I am over and done with it now. My best friend for 3 years, someone I went to in highschool with anything and everything on my mind. I would get her anything she ever needed, if she was upset I dropped what I was doing to give her a hug. Over all I think I was a pretty good best friend to her, yet I accepted her to treat me like I was nothing. For three long long years I allowed her to throw me around, and manipulate me, and then I finally woke up to it all and just wanted nothing to do with her. Of course she blamed it all on me, and told everyone all my secrets, how bad of a friend I was and blah, blah, blah. Now she is in college, in New York, out of my life entirely. Yet I still hear how she has to keep my name in her mouth, and how im so ugly, and how I am so rude, and everything its just me, me, me. Im sick and tired of trying to find a true and genuine person out there, that I can call my friend. Let alone my best friend? It takes a long to time to hang out and connect with someone, for me at least and to call them a best friend. But the only problem with that, is by the end of all that time you may realize it was just all a waste, and they are not as genuine as you thought. Over all I am just done with trying to find a true genuine person; and when the day comes I will prolly be so blind to it from all the bull crap I went through in trying to find a true genuine friend.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Halloween is such an exciting time of the year for little ones. From getting dressed up as fairies, and princesses, to monsters, and zombies. I find it very fascinating seeing the excitement in a small ones eyes and how happy they get to the thought of dressing up and getting loads of candy. I go back to remembering the days of my excitement and how easy it was, to get excited and coming home with my big bag of candy and having to sort through the "good" ones and the "bad" ones. Almost everyday I just wish I was able to go back in time and just remember what it felt like to be a kid again, and I definitely understand where the "old farts" were coming from when they would constantly tell me to enjoy being a child, because once it is gone, I would wish it was back. How true that statement has already come to be, only 18 still a "old" child and I wish I could go back. I guess Halloween just reminds me of the simplicity of life and how much I genuinely miss it.

Story of my life...

Just sitting and reflecting on my everyday schedule, I realize it is not as busy as some others. But I feel overwhelmed at times, with working almost 30 hours, being a full time student, doing homework, and making sure I get decent grades. I could not imagine much more stressors in my life right now. Naturally I stress about everything and anything, but I feel that I have taken on my max of stressors I can really handle. I am grateful for what I do have, and what I do not have to do that others live through every day. I definitely give them credit for keeping their composure and doing a good job at it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Liz Murray

Today in my College Success class we watched a video clip that was supposed to inspire us, and to instill the thought of making goals. I of course did not mind watching a video, so watching the video I was not all so concerned of the message. But as I was watching the video, it really hit home with me. It was about a girl who was brought up in a home with 2 parents that were drug addicts; legitimately shooting cocaine in their arm right in front of their kids. Liz who was one of the daughters, eventually became a homeless teenager sleeping on the streets after her mother had died from AIDS, and her father went to a homeless shelter. Liz did not go to school, work, or anything she lived her life day by day. Eventually she had a wake up call and decided she wanted to make something of her life, went back to high school earning her high school degree in 2 years, taking 10 courses at once. She did very well devoting all of her time to studying, she saw a scholarship being offered through New York Times and to make a long story short, she was given the scholarship. She then went to Harvard University that to her at one time was viewed as an untouchable place to obtain her education. I thought that this story was very inspiring to people who think they may have it bad, and really no matter how bad it is, it may be a stretch; but never impossible.

Weather changes

I feel like every day I look out my window its a new season? One morning last week I wake up to snow on the ground, this morning I wake up to the temperature getting up to 70 degrees! Mind you that today is Wednesday, and there was snow on the ground Sunday morning. I find it so odd to how the weather is constantly changing, and so abruptly to! I cannot complain of the 70 degree weather, but I hate that mother nature can not just make her mind up of whether be to be warm, or cold. I personally am loving the warm and hope that it sticks around, just a little bit longer hopefully!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Halloween is an awesome time of the year, I love the season with scary masks, and pumpkins, leaves changing colors, and just all the kids getting excited about what to wear for the big night! I think it is the most adorable thing to have a little kid come up and be all excited about telling me what they want to dress up as. It is like a birthday party for them, something they can go and get tons of candy and dress up and have fun. And of course, you got to love the candy, I enjoy handing out the candy and looking at all the kids costumes, and play with them. But eating the candy is half the fun to! I absolutely love everything about the fall, and Halloween is just another essence to add to it!

Sociology is very interesting

I am taking Intro to Sociology and although its a simple introduction I have found a lot of what I have learned so far very compelling. To study how the environment in what you live in and how the culture your brought up in, makes a person do what they do makes me want to learn more and more. People are a very interesting to study because you never know what to expect of one single person. Everyone is different in their own ways, and each one has had different experiences in different societies. In conclusion, maybe introduction to sociology has opened a door in what I am possibly seeking in a career.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Online shopping

I keep hearing this buzz about how great and how easy online shopping is. Yet everytime I take the hour worth of time to actually browse around at what I want, and type in all my information there always seems to be a error. Never can it just work, always something wrong. I feel like I just wasted over an hour of my time looking at things and wanting them. To just get off the computer irritated and having nothing new show up on my door step! I love how technology is slowly evolving into everyday activities but at least work! It is extremely irritating, and I guess something I will have to learn more about.

Fall Break

The 4 day weekend, that is considered our fall break. Not only was it greatly needed but is very appreciated! I loved being able to sleep in on my monday morning, and just get some chores around the house done and be lazy all day. Although I still had to do to homework, it was with out a doubt very nice to have a day of relaxation and getting some other things done around the house, other than just school.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Burning Bright

When I started reading "Burning Bright" I could not wait to find out what happens, I knew it was going to be the climax of the entire book. All the discussions we had been having was leading us up to what the outcome would actually turn out to be. When Montag torched Beatty it was a complete surprise to me. But I enjoyed the fact that Montag killed Beatty and not the other way around, I thought it was very interesting how Montag was able to get around the government and successfully get away. When they killed an innocent man to just show people that they caught "Montag" I thought that maybe our government does that today? Who knows if the government really finds terrorists, like Suddam Hussein and actually killed "him." It was kind of an eye opener to maybe other related stories of life today.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cold Weather is miserable

The season is now changing, and it is the time of year where temperatures are unpredictable sometimes pleasant, sometimes miserable! I usually am a huge fan of the fall season, but right now with its low temperatures and high winds, I hate it. I want to just pack my bags and move to Florida! Just simply getting in and out of my car, with the few seconds it takes to walk to my car, open the door and get it in. Then of course the heat takes 5-10 minutes to actually start working. The process of just going somewhere in the cold is miserable. Some people love the cold, yeah sure I enjoy my snow days and playing in the snow. But I am a miserable person when it is simply cold, and miserable. I hope this winter is not freezing, but with the start of fall just beginning and already so cold, I am sure my luck of winter not being so bad is less to none.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Best days of your life?

Many peple have told me many times how college is supposed to be the hppiest and best days of your life and should enjoy every single day of it. I can see what they mean and how it could potentially be the funnest days of your life, but I think only the people going off to college, living in dorms and experiencing the true college life are really having the time of their lifes. People who live at home and are commuting to a college, dont experience half of what people living at college do. People who commute not only are full time students, but they normally work, and dont make and meet as many new friends, as those at colleges who are living and meeting new people every day. I dont think that saying college is the best day of your life is true for all college students, especially to the students who are commuters.

Road Rage

Going to HACC, I am a commuter driving 25-30 minutes up and back four days of the week. Therefore I am on the road a lot, seeing many different drivers and being on the road with many different drivers as well. I have been hearing a lot more with car insurances about rewarding those who contain their road rage which would encourage more customers to buy their insurance. But people may seem to be the nicest people, but when they get behind the wheel their attitudes and temper are completely different. People get extremely irritated when you do not go to the amount of speed they would like others to pursue. But no one knows where, or why, the other person may be in a rush to get somewhere, and others enjoy taking their time getting to their location. I think it is even worse when truck drivers have road rage, truck drivers extremely intimidate me let alone when they begin driving recklessly. In conclusion, many people will experience road rage, but the people who are naturally always angered on the road, is not safe for themselves or others on the road.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sieve & the Sand

The "Sieve and the Sand" starts out with a rainy day, which is kind of ironic to maybe the mood both Guy, and Mildred may be in with having over 20 books and reading them. Guy goes back to a time when he met a man named "Faber" and knew that he knew things about books that many did not. Back when he met him, he did not think much about him or care for that matter. But now that Guy is interested and wants to know more he knows Faber is someone he could go to for more information. He filed his address, and was able to go and find Faber. Before Guy left to meet Faber he had called him, and with doing so scared Faber in speaking up and saying what he may or may not know; because he did not know if it would be a set up or not? With Guy knocking on the door, Faber is frightened that Guy brought people to maybe set him up. Guy and Faber discuss many things.
One thing I found very interesting about their conversation was the idea of planting books in fire fighters homes to have there houses burnt down. It would be a very enlightening moment to see a fire mans house burn down, and maybe spark interest in others to learn and want to know more. If people see a fire mans house being burnt down, it would possibly spark something in people that if a fireman know the consequences of having books, yet are daring to have them people may want to dare to look and know more. Not sure if that is what Faber meant, but that is what I perceived from his plan? I also think it was a way for pay back to fire men burning down peoples homes and not caring, so maybe they would care more if they saw their own house in flames.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

School work and determination

To start off, in high school I was a "B" or "C" student; this is considered an average student and I was okay with that. I had a GPA of almost a 3.0 but still was not in the 3's and I was still just okay with that. I told my self when I started college, that it was a brand new slate, a fresh start to prove to myself, to my parents, and to my teachers that I can go above and beyond and do better. Obviously the school year, has really just started not many papers, projects, or many tests quite yet. But with the papers, and projects and tests I have done I have significantly noticed my change in work ethic and my determination to do well. I feel better at the end of the day knowing I did my best in not only my work, but managing my time between family, friends, working, and school. College is so much different than high school in many of ways, but its also just like high school but in a way a chance to change what you did do, and what you wanted to do. I am taking the opportunity now to do as well as I can. After all I am paying for my classes now, so why not take some pride and show off how smart I really can be if only I push my self to be the best that I can be. I may not be a straight "A" student but I will make sure I put 100% in all that I do, so whether its an "A" student or "C" student I will know at the end of the day I worked to the best of my ability and worked hard for my grade.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fahrenheit F51: The Hearth and the Salamander

When i first began reading the Fahrenheit F51, I was doubting how much I was going to enjoy the book. There were so many details, and I felt like the author was writing all over the place and I was not able to stay focused. A couple more pages in, once I was able to grasp what was going on I found it being very interesting. When Clarisse was introduced into the story I think is when it grasped my attention and it just wanted me to learn more about her and why she was the way she was.
The part in the book that really got my attention is when Mr. Beatty talks about society and his rationality to why people should not, and do not need books. He believed that if everyone was not protected from the negative, and were different society would not be well off. He thinks the less people know and read, the happier everyone will be.
I personally feel like most people would probably feel as well, that everyone deserves the right to learn and know as much as they possibly can. To take away these rights of human interest in wanting to know more, is completely absurd. He does not even show emotion to those that he kills or (burns) to death because by them wanting to learn more and know more, makes them in the wrong and they deserve it. In conclusion, I have found the book fairly interesting and curious to what is going to happen next.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kanye West at the VMA's?

As an artist, I enhoy listening to Kanye West. But as a person, obviously I dont know him personally but seeing the way he acted at the VMA's shows alot about his character. Everyone has a right to say what they think, feel, or if they just feel like talking. But in the amendment it says without disturbing the peace, Kanye i think did not necessarily cause a ton of commotion, but it was without a doubt not the right time and place for him to voice how he felt about Taylor getting an award over Beyonce. I think Kanye's going to suffer from his statements, and not only his statment, but how rude it was of him to interrupt Taylors speech to thank everyone. I think his sales will go down, and now many will look up to someone who treated another person the way that Kanye did.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Of Mice and Men

Personally just reading the title, "Of Mice and Men" I think of an old western folk tale that would not interest me. Really the plot of the story is very intriguing and I think almost can anyone could relate to certain points and parts of the story. The book is about two poor men, with no education. There just trying to make something of their life and to try and find any work they can, it takes place during the great depression so you must understand how difficult it was at the time to find work, especially when George, "one of the main characters" is watching over his friend and companion Lennie. Now Lennie is not your ordinary person, he is mentally challenged and yet George will not just leave him behind and makes sure that wherever George goes, Lennie comes to.
The part of the story line that most intrigues me is the fact that George has a huge heart and is willing to take care of Lennie, while also having to take care of himself. He promises Lennie that one day they will have a huge farm, with animals and Lennie will have the responsibilities to take care of the animals. George realistically knows that it may never really happen, but he knows how happy it makes Lennie to hear it. Lennie messes up big time and kills a woman. George finds him and insists on him telling George the story of their lives together, in good ole time. During Lennie's story George shoots him in the back of the head.
At first I was very discouraged and wondered how in the world a best friend could kill his own best friend? Looking a lot more deeply into it, I can completely tell where George had to do something that he did not want to do, but he knew it was the right thing. Now you may say how in the world is killing someone the right thing? But if your best friend was being hunted down to be tortured and slowly killed, and you were able to do it fast and without him even knowing; would you do it? I believe what George did was right for Lennie personally, because Lennie barely even knew right from wrong. Therefore i believe the story is intriguing and that everyone should read it at least once.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I have just recently realized how much music really does impact my life. Yes, everyone probably could say the same thing, and I would always agree with music having a lot of impact but never really realized how much it really did. I have a song or genre or artist that i listen to depending on the kind of mood I may be in. Whether its sad, happy, thinking, stressed, anything. Songs are what get me through my swings of different moods, and I really am very grateful for it. Sounds cliche, but I definitely see music always being a huge help with me and my moods and overcoming things just when I want to think, Ihave my music to help encourage me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Writing from the Darkness

Its an autobiographical writing about a young girls childhood and how her obstacles and the negative things she went through made her the writer she became. She had always kept a diary and would write about her days, and the days for her were agonizing. So therefore looking back at them only brought negative thoughts and memories to mind. Therefore she burnt her diaries, of the past and wanted to get rid of her "shadow" and move on.
I feel that everyone goes through hard ships, but when someone is able to go through hard ships like her, and make something of her life becoming a writer. She took something that at one time was her scape goat from life to hating it, and then to loving it again. It is a good example of a autobiographical narrative because she is able to paint a picture in your mind with her descriptive details, and is able to show the experiences she went through and how she overcame them and how they led to her becoming a writer. I thought the little segment that we were given to read, was fairly interesting. It also is very uplifting to someone who may think the worst and think nothing will come out of their hardships they face in life.

Rain Vs. Thunderstorms

It may be odd, but I hate rain and love thunderstorms. Of course, raining is an obvious during a thunderstorm. But I find thunderstorms so much more intriguing and interesting to observe. I think the reason I don't enjoy rain is the fact that if its just rain, it is most likely just a boring dreary day in general. With a thunderstorm, hopefully there is some excitement of some thunder, lightning, and strong winds. I thoroughly enjoy just sitting outside watching a good thunderstorm make way. Especially the summer thunderstorms down south, after a pretty day they are so much more enjoyable to hear everything and to see everything aspire.

Friday, September 4, 2009


I was not quite sure what to blog about, so while im sitting here babysitting a three year old girl, Allyson I figured there is something on my mind; so why not blog about it? I obviously watch a lot of cartoons with her because she is so young and she loves the popular cartoons you here about all the time. But as i watch them I try to relate to the time when I would watch cartoons, and how I thought they were so funny and interesting. Although my mother would tell us how she did not understand how we enjoyed half of the cartoons we did watch. Now that I am at that age, I can definately see how some cartoons are just rediculous and do not see the enjoyment in them. I think it is quite comical of the things they come up with to put in little kids shows. But it keeps the kids busy, and they enjoy watching them so in the long run who is to complain?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Swine Flu

At first when the news came out about the swine flue, I was not really bothered by it. Now turning on the news, it is the topic of discussion in the news. There are constantly reminding people of ways to try to avoid getting, by the obvious. Anything from washing hands constantly, hand sanitizing, covering your mouth when coughing, and sneezing. The normal procedures of trying to avoid getting sick. They are now saying that half of Americas population will most likely be affected by the swine flu sometime this year. This means that over one million Americans will most likely get the swine flu, and one news station even said that there is a possibility to ninety thousand deaths. Once I hear a number like that, talking about deaths I definitely want to make sure I'm paying more attention to my health and staying clear of others who may be getting sick.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Stanley Fish "What should colleges teach?"

Reading Stanley Fish and his opinions and out look on the college curriculum really opened my eyes to things i may have not thought about before. For instance, he studied 104 different English sections, to only find that 4 had actually pertained to writing. I found it quite interesting that out of so many, only 4 had taken the time to study the importance of writing, and how to become a better writer. Also, when he presented his research he was accused of being a reactionary who knew nothing about current trends of English. For someone of such high studies, to be shut down and told he does not know what he was talking about or doing, surprises me. Finally, when finishing reading the paper i found many topics I could agree with, with others that i could not find so much a reasoning of dislike. Stanley Fish, did a good job looking into the curriculum and it definitely has opened my eyes to different things.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What is a Good Writer?

A good writer has many different aspects and skills to consider when writing. For instance, the writer has to consider the audience that they are writing for and the purpose of their writing. A good writer will always keep the audience and purpose of the paper in mind. Following the two most important aspects the rest will fall into place. An important aspect to keep in mind would be focus, a good writer is able to stay on task, and is able to transition two different thoughts together smoothly. It is also important to be creative and descriptive when writing; it is hard to stand out among other great writers; therefore if the writer is able to be more descriptive and more detailed this will capture the reader. This shows how important it is to consider the audience and whether the writer was able to capture their interest. In conclusion, a good writer has to keep many things in mind when writing, including the audience and purpose.
On the other hand, there are things that a bad writer would do. A good writer cannot be lazy or take the easy way out of a situation, because they could miss crucial mistakes, or lose focus. For example, not brainstorming or collecting ideas can make a paper un-organized and can lose focus. Also not being descriptive or detailed can make a paper boring, and won’t be able to capture the reader. Once the reader is no longer interested, they are not going to want to come back and read more. Lastly, a simple look over on a paper is crucial to finding small and minor spelling errors, or punctuation mistakes. A bad writer would not take the extra time to look over and proofread their work, and in the end could distract the reader, and think that the writer does not care. In conclusion, it is important to make small, but large in importance to writing a better paper, and becoming a better writer.