Friday, October 2, 2009

Cold Weather is miserable

The season is now changing, and it is the time of year where temperatures are unpredictable sometimes pleasant, sometimes miserable! I usually am a huge fan of the fall season, but right now with its low temperatures and high winds, I hate it. I want to just pack my bags and move to Florida! Just simply getting in and out of my car, with the few seconds it takes to walk to my car, open the door and get it in. Then of course the heat takes 5-10 minutes to actually start working. The process of just going somewhere in the cold is miserable. Some people love the cold, yeah sure I enjoy my snow days and playing in the snow. But I am a miserable person when it is simply cold, and miserable. I hope this winter is not freezing, but with the start of fall just beginning and already so cold, I am sure my luck of winter not being so bad is less to none.

1 comment:

  1. I hate cold weather. My favorite weather is like 95 degrees, hot, and dry.
