Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Swine Flu

At first when the news came out about the swine flue, I was not really bothered by it. Now turning on the news, it is the topic of discussion in the news. There are constantly reminding people of ways to try to avoid getting, by the obvious. Anything from washing hands constantly, hand sanitizing, covering your mouth when coughing, and sneezing. The normal procedures of trying to avoid getting sick. They are now saying that half of Americas population will most likely be affected by the swine flu sometime this year. This means that over one million Americans will most likely get the swine flu, and one news station even said that there is a possibility to ninety thousand deaths. Once I hear a number like that, talking about deaths I definitely want to make sure I'm paying more attention to my health and staying clear of others who may be getting sick.


  1. I heard the same thing on the way home from class. That is really scary! Hopefully there won't be a vaccination shortage, but i do carry hand sanitizer if you need it, haha.

  2. Definately, is scary! And i carry hand santizer with me to! ha
