Monday, October 5, 2009

Burning Bright

When I started reading "Burning Bright" I could not wait to find out what happens, I knew it was going to be the climax of the entire book. All the discussions we had been having was leading us up to what the outcome would actually turn out to be. When Montag torched Beatty it was a complete surprise to me. But I enjoyed the fact that Montag killed Beatty and not the other way around, I thought it was very interesting how Montag was able to get around the government and successfully get away. When they killed an innocent man to just show people that they caught "Montag" I thought that maybe our government does that today? Who knows if the government really finds terrorists, like Suddam Hussein and actually killed "him." It was kind of an eye opener to maybe other related stories of life today.

1 comment:

  1. The thing you said about the terrorists is true. We just don't know these days.
