Wednesday, September 23, 2009

School work and determination

To start off, in high school I was a "B" or "C" student; this is considered an average student and I was okay with that. I had a GPA of almost a 3.0 but still was not in the 3's and I was still just okay with that. I told my self when I started college, that it was a brand new slate, a fresh start to prove to myself, to my parents, and to my teachers that I can go above and beyond and do better. Obviously the school year, has really just started not many papers, projects, or many tests quite yet. But with the papers, and projects and tests I have done I have significantly noticed my change in work ethic and my determination to do well. I feel better at the end of the day knowing I did my best in not only my work, but managing my time between family, friends, working, and school. College is so much different than high school in many of ways, but its also just like high school but in a way a chance to change what you did do, and what you wanted to do. I am taking the opportunity now to do as well as I can. After all I am paying for my classes now, so why not take some pride and show off how smart I really can be if only I push my self to be the best that I can be. I may not be a straight "A" student but I will make sure I put 100% in all that I do, so whether its an "A" student or "C" student I will know at the end of the day I worked to the best of my ability and worked hard for my grade.

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