Thursday, October 29, 2009


Halloween is such an exciting time of the year for little ones. From getting dressed up as fairies, and princesses, to monsters, and zombies. I find it very fascinating seeing the excitement in a small ones eyes and how happy they get to the thought of dressing up and getting loads of candy. I go back to remembering the days of my excitement and how easy it was, to get excited and coming home with my big bag of candy and having to sort through the "good" ones and the "bad" ones. Almost everyday I just wish I was able to go back in time and just remember what it felt like to be a kid again, and I definitely understand where the "old farts" were coming from when they would constantly tell me to enjoy being a child, because once it is gone, I would wish it was back. How true that statement has already come to be, only 18 still a "old" child and I wish I could go back. I guess Halloween just reminds me of the simplicity of life and how much I genuinely miss it.

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