Monday, November 30, 2009

Grandparents (my heroes)

Everyone has grandparents, whether they are alive and living on earth with them anymore or not. I know that I cherish my grandparents and every second I am blessed to have them with me. My grandparents are always there for my family and we are always there for them. I dont know what it is about my grandparents that make me want to be a better and more dynamic person, but I know that I need to cherish all the times I spend with them whether it be a holiday, picnic, or just a simple visit. My grandfather is my hero because of his heroics in the WWII. Him telling us stories of the unfortunate things he saw, and why he fought. I just treasure his stories and admire him for all he has done. Not just for his family but for our country. My grandmother is admired because she raised three children all by herself and she did a wonderful job and kept her head on strong. I admire absolutely anyone who can raise children on their own and still keep their sincerity on top of it. Overall I admire and cherish my grandparents more than anyone else in this world.

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