Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Writing from the Darkness

Its an autobiographical writing about a young girls childhood and how her obstacles and the negative things she went through made her the writer she became. She had always kept a diary and would write about her days, and the days for her were agonizing. So therefore looking back at them only brought negative thoughts and memories to mind. Therefore she burnt her diaries, of the past and wanted to get rid of her "shadow" and move on.
I feel that everyone goes through hard ships, but when someone is able to go through hard ships like her, and make something of her life becoming a writer. She took something that at one time was her scape goat from life to hating it, and then to loving it again. It is a good example of a autobiographical narrative because she is able to paint a picture in your mind with her descriptive details, and is able to show the experiences she went through and how she overcame them and how they led to her becoming a writer. I thought the little segment that we were given to read, was fairly interesting. It also is very uplifting to someone who may think the worst and think nothing will come out of their hardships they face in life.

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