Monday, November 30, 2009

Grandparents (my heroes)

Everyone has grandparents, whether they are alive and living on earth with them anymore or not. I know that I cherish my grandparents and every second I am blessed to have them with me. My grandparents are always there for my family and we are always there for them. I dont know what it is about my grandparents that make me want to be a better and more dynamic person, but I know that I need to cherish all the times I spend with them whether it be a holiday, picnic, or just a simple visit. My grandfather is my hero because of his heroics in the WWII. Him telling us stories of the unfortunate things he saw, and why he fought. I just treasure his stories and admire him for all he has done. Not just for his family but for our country. My grandmother is admired because she raised three children all by herself and she did a wonderful job and kept her head on strong. I admire absolutely anyone who can raise children on their own and still keep their sincerity on top of it. Overall I admire and cherish my grandparents more than anyone else in this world.


This Thanksgiving did not feel like it slowly came about. It almost felt as if it came abruptly and really felt as if it came earlier than previous years. Obviously this is just a form of my own opinion and may have not felt the same way to others. But for me personally I felt as if Thanksgiving came early. It was a great time, with family and maybe I would have enjoyed better weather. But overall Thanksgiving is a time with your family and friends and I cherished my Thanksgiving this year just as much as every other year.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Although technology has proven to benefit our society, I feel as if in years to come its only going to hinder our society. Technology is taking jobs away from people, who in this economic time need those jobs. Computers are never 100% fail proof either, like most people like to think or would want. It is going to eventually over ride the socialization factor between people; its necessary for people to learn to socialize. I fear that our kids, kids will hinder from technology more so than benefit. Maybe even the next generation like our own kids, will hinder from it even, but I think its all in a matter of time until we as a society realize that technology is slowly hindering us.

Thankyou for Smoking

I think the movie we watched in class "Thank you for Smoking" was a very interesting and almost compelling movie. Nick Naylor could argue absolutely any point when it came to tobacco, no matter how impossible it may have seemed to argue he knew how to flip it around on them. It was shown how any point is really possible to be argued as long as you know the research behind it, so there are no loop holes. If you have the passion and really stand for something, then the research and passion can almost never let you down. I think the video was perfect and showing how an argument can be much more complex, and definitely will help with the classical argument papers we have to write.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I love everything about Virginia, the mountains, weather, the openness. Everyone seems so much more down to earth, and easy going. If there is one goal in my life, it is to live in Virginia. I would love to transfer out of HACC eventually and go to a college in Virginia and get a start in the state that I want to reside in. Obviously in anywhere u live, there will be negatives and positives but I think my positives will over ride any negative I am faced with.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dark nights, bright mornings

With the nights becoming darker at night, I have seen a difference in my attitude. My attitude towards the day and how much I genuinely cannot stand having a shorter day, I enjoyed having my longer hours in my day time to get more things done. Not that I cannot accomplish the same amount or more, than before but it makes me feel like I can't. As soon as it begins to get dark out, I just want to go to bed and call it a night! Which is obviously not going to help me get any work done. On the other hand, waking up early in the morning for work I do enjoy having the sun greet me on my way to work. Have a good start to my morning, being able to see the beautiful sun rise. So I guess there are both negatives and positives in the overall negative aspects that I hate about the nights being shorter.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Interesting People

A young girl I baby sit once a week, has a birthday coming up in a few days. And her mother was explaining what festivities she had planned for her princess party. She started saying how a real princess was going to be coming to the party. Initially thinking that someone was going to get a princess costume and have a little fun with the girls. But she started telling me how "Princess Sparkle" was at one point "Ms. Pennsylvania." So right off the bat, you know she is gorgeous and could probably use her accomplishment as a reference to probably anywhere. But she finds her passion and enjoyment in dressing up for hours and playing with little girls and being a princess. I thought it was very interesting and maybe even a fun job?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Friends.. who has any true friends these days?

I guess because I am so heated from a ex- best friend; I felt it was a perfect oppurtunity to just vent and write about it. It will probably sound so pathetic for anyone else who may read this, but its what I had to deal with for three years, and I am so happy I am over and done with it now. My best friend for 3 years, someone I went to in highschool with anything and everything on my mind. I would get her anything she ever needed, if she was upset I dropped what I was doing to give her a hug. Over all I think I was a pretty good best friend to her, yet I accepted her to treat me like I was nothing. For three long long years I allowed her to throw me around, and manipulate me, and then I finally woke up to it all and just wanted nothing to do with her. Of course she blamed it all on me, and told everyone all my secrets, how bad of a friend I was and blah, blah, blah. Now she is in college, in New York, out of my life entirely. Yet I still hear how she has to keep my name in her mouth, and how im so ugly, and how I am so rude, and everything its just me, me, me. Im sick and tired of trying to find a true and genuine person out there, that I can call my friend. Let alone my best friend? It takes a long to time to hang out and connect with someone, for me at least and to call them a best friend. But the only problem with that, is by the end of all that time you may realize it was just all a waste, and they are not as genuine as you thought. Over all I am just done with trying to find a true genuine person; and when the day comes I will prolly be so blind to it from all the bull crap I went through in trying to find a true genuine friend.