Thursday, October 29, 2009


Halloween is such an exciting time of the year for little ones. From getting dressed up as fairies, and princesses, to monsters, and zombies. I find it very fascinating seeing the excitement in a small ones eyes and how happy they get to the thought of dressing up and getting loads of candy. I go back to remembering the days of my excitement and how easy it was, to get excited and coming home with my big bag of candy and having to sort through the "good" ones and the "bad" ones. Almost everyday I just wish I was able to go back in time and just remember what it felt like to be a kid again, and I definitely understand where the "old farts" were coming from when they would constantly tell me to enjoy being a child, because once it is gone, I would wish it was back. How true that statement has already come to be, only 18 still a "old" child and I wish I could go back. I guess Halloween just reminds me of the simplicity of life and how much I genuinely miss it.

Story of my life...

Just sitting and reflecting on my everyday schedule, I realize it is not as busy as some others. But I feel overwhelmed at times, with working almost 30 hours, being a full time student, doing homework, and making sure I get decent grades. I could not imagine much more stressors in my life right now. Naturally I stress about everything and anything, but I feel that I have taken on my max of stressors I can really handle. I am grateful for what I do have, and what I do not have to do that others live through every day. I definitely give them credit for keeping their composure and doing a good job at it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Liz Murray

Today in my College Success class we watched a video clip that was supposed to inspire us, and to instill the thought of making goals. I of course did not mind watching a video, so watching the video I was not all so concerned of the message. But as I was watching the video, it really hit home with me. It was about a girl who was brought up in a home with 2 parents that were drug addicts; legitimately shooting cocaine in their arm right in front of their kids. Liz who was one of the daughters, eventually became a homeless teenager sleeping on the streets after her mother had died from AIDS, and her father went to a homeless shelter. Liz did not go to school, work, or anything she lived her life day by day. Eventually she had a wake up call and decided she wanted to make something of her life, went back to high school earning her high school degree in 2 years, taking 10 courses at once. She did very well devoting all of her time to studying, she saw a scholarship being offered through New York Times and to make a long story short, she was given the scholarship. She then went to Harvard University that to her at one time was viewed as an untouchable place to obtain her education. I thought that this story was very inspiring to people who think they may have it bad, and really no matter how bad it is, it may be a stretch; but never impossible.

Weather changes

I feel like every day I look out my window its a new season? One morning last week I wake up to snow on the ground, this morning I wake up to the temperature getting up to 70 degrees! Mind you that today is Wednesday, and there was snow on the ground Sunday morning. I find it so odd to how the weather is constantly changing, and so abruptly to! I cannot complain of the 70 degree weather, but I hate that mother nature can not just make her mind up of whether be to be warm, or cold. I personally am loving the warm and hope that it sticks around, just a little bit longer hopefully!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Halloween is an awesome time of the year, I love the season with scary masks, and pumpkins, leaves changing colors, and just all the kids getting excited about what to wear for the big night! I think it is the most adorable thing to have a little kid come up and be all excited about telling me what they want to dress up as. It is like a birthday party for them, something they can go and get tons of candy and dress up and have fun. And of course, you got to love the candy, I enjoy handing out the candy and looking at all the kids costumes, and play with them. But eating the candy is half the fun to! I absolutely love everything about the fall, and Halloween is just another essence to add to it!

Sociology is very interesting

I am taking Intro to Sociology and although its a simple introduction I have found a lot of what I have learned so far very compelling. To study how the environment in what you live in and how the culture your brought up in, makes a person do what they do makes me want to learn more and more. People are a very interesting to study because you never know what to expect of one single person. Everyone is different in their own ways, and each one has had different experiences in different societies. In conclusion, maybe introduction to sociology has opened a door in what I am possibly seeking in a career.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Online shopping

I keep hearing this buzz about how great and how easy online shopping is. Yet everytime I take the hour worth of time to actually browse around at what I want, and type in all my information there always seems to be a error. Never can it just work, always something wrong. I feel like I just wasted over an hour of my time looking at things and wanting them. To just get off the computer irritated and having nothing new show up on my door step! I love how technology is slowly evolving into everyday activities but at least work! It is extremely irritating, and I guess something I will have to learn more about.

Fall Break

The 4 day weekend, that is considered our fall break. Not only was it greatly needed but is very appreciated! I loved being able to sleep in on my monday morning, and just get some chores around the house done and be lazy all day. Although I still had to do to homework, it was with out a doubt very nice to have a day of relaxation and getting some other things done around the house, other than just school.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Burning Bright

When I started reading "Burning Bright" I could not wait to find out what happens, I knew it was going to be the climax of the entire book. All the discussions we had been having was leading us up to what the outcome would actually turn out to be. When Montag torched Beatty it was a complete surprise to me. But I enjoyed the fact that Montag killed Beatty and not the other way around, I thought it was very interesting how Montag was able to get around the government and successfully get away. When they killed an innocent man to just show people that they caught "Montag" I thought that maybe our government does that today? Who knows if the government really finds terrorists, like Suddam Hussein and actually killed "him." It was kind of an eye opener to maybe other related stories of life today.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cold Weather is miserable

The season is now changing, and it is the time of year where temperatures are unpredictable sometimes pleasant, sometimes miserable! I usually am a huge fan of the fall season, but right now with its low temperatures and high winds, I hate it. I want to just pack my bags and move to Florida! Just simply getting in and out of my car, with the few seconds it takes to walk to my car, open the door and get it in. Then of course the heat takes 5-10 minutes to actually start working. The process of just going somewhere in the cold is miserable. Some people love the cold, yeah sure I enjoy my snow days and playing in the snow. But I am a miserable person when it is simply cold, and miserable. I hope this winter is not freezing, but with the start of fall just beginning and already so cold, I am sure my luck of winter not being so bad is less to none.