Monday, December 7, 2009


The movie 2012 was an okay movie. I think that the visual effects were a little weak, and the plot was a little far fetched. And I am kinda glad the movie was far fetch with the fact, that so many people are raving about the world ending, and with the movie not being as realistic. I know it is not going to make me think of any the advents in the movie itself, because there not realistic at all. Overall i would not recommend anyone to watch the movie, if you do, its not the worst movie in the world. Just not something I would tell people to go and rush to see.


Who ever knew I would be sitting here and blogging about my current frustration with my family. I sometimes cannot stand being in my house with my sister. People tell me to enjoy it now, having a younger sister and blah blah blah. Well that's a joke, all I do for that girl is favors and then as soon as i express a frustration with the girl, she flips. Then I am the one to be ridiculed at the end of the night, how I am the mean one and I should apologize. I am sick of always being at fault for everything, and my family blaming it all on me. Overall I love my family and could not live without them, but at times I could really deal without all the other crap.

First snow of the year

So the ever so great snow has come to say hello, December 4Th 2009. As much as I enjoy sitting inside watching the snow fall down, I absolutely hate going out in the windy, freezing temperatures. I have no patience for the other weather effects that come with a snow storm. I think that it is merely a sign to moving down south and fixing the problem of dealing with cold and unbearable weather. Overall, I can enjoy a little bit of snow here and there, but I am hoping that not we will not get horrible snow storms, and a lot of them.


I absolutely hate taking finals, or any big tests for that matter. It is already stressful enough to try and obtain a good grade, let alone taking a huge test and knowing that so much of your grade relies on the way u do on the final. I enjoy when my teachers are willing to say just to do a big project and count that as a final, or even an essay. I think that throughout an entire semester with tests, quizzes, and other activities whatever our grade is then should show what we did or did not learn through out the course. Overall, I am not a fan of taking huge tests, or finals to prove what I have learned.